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1. Services Provided

Each service we provide has a guide that describes the scope of the tasks we will perform during the cleaning. We advise clients to familiarize themselves with the guide before the booking to identify what we will clean and what extra tasks we could perform at their request for an additional fee.

 2. Quotes & Payment 

Payment is due upon completion of the cleaning.

We accept : 

=> Direct Deposit ( for businesses only )

=> Zelle



Tipping is appreciated not required!



We  reserve the right to assess a rate adjusting fee if the house is found in worse condition than expected. 

We assess a hazard fee if clients or the situation requires us to use chemicals we don’t regularly use. This includes but is not limited to bleach, mildew remover, easy-off etc. And, we cannot be held liable for anything deriving from the usage of the requested or necessary products. 


3. Cancellation Policy 

Our cancellation policy varies between services, so please refer to the cancellation policy in your signed service agreement to know how to cancel and reschedule to avoid fees. The cancellation policy should explain what will happen in the case we are the one canceling and in which case we will be providing you with a discount.

4. Schedule Policy

For biweekly Clients only

If for some reason, your upcoming cleaning is scheduled three weeks or more after your last cleaning. We will be adjusting the scheduled cleaning rate to a monthly rate. 


For all Clients

If for some reason, your upcoming cleaning is scheduled one month or more after your last cleaning. We will be adjusting the scheduled cleaning rate to a deep cleaning rate. 


5. Access Requirement 

Clients need to provide us with  access to their house on cleaning day. 

Empty Of People rule.

We require the house to be “empty of people ” meaning clients  should not be present during the cleaning. We do not clean a room while  clients are in it. If the cleaning ends without a room being cleaned because clients are in it, the cleaning rate will not get adjusted.

If clients cannot leave their house during the cleaning - due to working from home, etc. - they must notify us in writing and agree to follow a strategy, which will ensure that they stay out of our way during cleaning.


Empty house rule [For Move-out Only]

We  require the house to be “empty ”,  meaning clients must move all of their belongings out of their house before the move-out cleaning. We do not clean a house while clients are  in the process of moving out their belongings. If clients  leave some of their  furniture, we will clean as much of what we can access without moving them.  


We are a pet friendly cleaning company and love to spend time with your pet friends, so please feel free to introduce them to us. However, when the cleaning starts, help us do a good job by keeping them out of the area we are cleaning or in the process of cleaning. 

6. Landlord Move-Out Requirement & Deposit 

We will try our best to follow your landlord’s requirements regarding the move-out cleaning, but we are not responsible for anything besides cleaning and do not guarantee anything regarding the refund of your deposit.

7. Products 

We  provide our own products and cleaning supply. However, it is the Client’s responsibility to let us know, in writing, of any allergies they may have regarding general cleaning products.

8. Privacy Policy 

We agree to keep all information provided to us  confidential and private. If our actions lead to clients’ confidential information being disclosed to unauthorized parties, clients shall have the right to seek full remedy in accordance with applicable law.

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